刘盛春 光学专业博士,教授,博士生导师,硕士生导师。龙江学者,黑龙江省杰出青年基金入选者。
发表文章109篇,其中在Nature Communications、Advanced Science、Applied Physics Letters、 Optics Letter等杂志发表 SCI检索45篇(第一或者通信作者29篇),EI文章27篇,获得专利17项(国防专利一项),申请专利2项,出版著作一部。在零色散螺旋超材料领域取得了突破性进展,文章发表在Nature communications上。
学历 简 介:
1994.9-1998.6 人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮 光电子专业 本科
2002.9-2005.6 人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮 电子工程专业 硕士
2008.9-2011.6 南京大学 声学专业 博士
工作 简 介:
1998.7-至今 人爽人男人的天堂少妇喷潮
2014.9-2016.1 美国密西根大学访问研究员
论 文:
1、Qian, Siyu; Chen, Xinlong; Jiang, Shiyu; Pan, Qiwen; Gao, Yachen; Wang, Lei; Peng, Wei; Liang, Shanjun; Zhu, Jie; Liu*, Shengchun*, Direct detection of charge and discharge process in supercapacitor by fiber-optic LSPR sensors. Nanophotonics, 2020, (0), 20190504.
2、Lei H, Johnson L A, Eaton K A, Liu Shengchun et al. Characterizing intestinal strictures of Crohn’s disease in vivo by endoscopic photoacoustic imaging[J]. Biomedical optics express, 2019, 10(5): 2542-2555.
3、Liu S, Wang H, Zhang C, et al. In Vivo Photoacoustic Sentinel Lymph Node Imaging Using Clinically-Approved Carbon Nanoparticles[J]. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019
4、Peng Li , Yu Han, Wenxin Wang, Xinlong Chen, Peng Jin, and Shengchun Liu,Self- erasable nanocone antireflection films based on the shape memory effect of PVA polymers,polymers,10:756,2018.
5、Xiujuan Yu, Xuefeng Chen, Jintao Zhang,Yachen Gao and Shengchun Liu*. Fiber Birefringence Measurement of single mode fiber by a Polarimetric Fiber Ring Laser, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36(11): 2204-2210, 2018.
6、Yu X, Hu Y, Chen X, et al. Fiber birefringence measurement by an external applied strain method and a polarimetric fiber laser sensor[J]. Applied optics, 2018, 57(9): 2033-2039.
7、Chao Tian and Shengchun Liu, “Phase retrieval in two-shot phase-shifting interferometry based on phase shift estimation in a local mask[J],” Opt. Express, 25(18), 21673-21683(2017).
8、Shengchun Liu, Xue Dong, Xiujuan Yu, Xuefeng Chen, and Chao Tian, "Hybrid wavelength- and frequency-division multiplexed fiber laser sensor array[J]," Opt. Lett. 42(1), 159-162 (2017).
9、Xiujuan Yu, Xue Dong, Xuefeng Chen, Junhou Lv, and Shengchun Liu*. Large-Scale Multilongitudinal Mode Fiber Laser Sensor Array With Wavelength/Frequency Division Multiplexing[J]. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2017, 35(11): 2299-2305.
10、Xuefeng Chen, Xue Dong, Xiujuan Yu, Xiangfei Chen, and Shengchun Liu*. Real-time Interrogation Technology for Large-scale Fiber-ring Laser Sensor Array[J]. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2017,9(2):7102409.
项 目:
地 址:黑龙江省哈尔滨南岗区学府路74号 150080